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How to list your book with Equality Junction 


Statement and Policy:


Equality Junction is meant to be a hub, a clearing house, so to speak for Christian resources on equality. Christian bookstores do not have a special listing for books relating to Gender Equality, making it hard to find books on biblical female equality in the church. In fact, it is almost impossible to find any book promoting egalitarian living and marriages through booksellers. Eqalitarian books, if there are any, are in the theology section, or buried deep among complementarian books. We are changing that! List your book with us for visibility.


Equality Junction accepts books that meet our standards. We are a Christian organization dedicated to Christian women’s equality in the church and in the home. The books we promote will reflect Biblical equality for women.


The books listed on will reflect a variety of Christian faith denominations. We may be in disagreement with some of the doctrines as practiced by other Christians, as we ourselves are of different faith traditions. However, we recognize that all Christian faiths have certain doctrinal beliefs in common, and we will use that as our standard. We will judge fairly and compassionately, striving for the goal of getting the word out for Christian women’s equality.


Titles of books must not be an embarrassment nor reflect unchristian behavior.


Equality Junction does not sell books, nor does it make any money from the sale of books listed on our website. Our purpose is to be a place where people of all faiths can find resources for Christian women’s equality. Donations or gifts, other than books to preview, are not accepted nor solicited.


Contact for information and to send a pdf file of your book to be reviewed, or listed. is not a publisher. Our goal is to have a place where people looking for books on Christian women’s equality can easily find them. 


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