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Timeless books







Putting Women in Their Place. Moving Beyond Gender Stereotypes in Church and Home. The Baptist Debate Over Female Equality by Joe and Audra Trull. 2003, published by Smyth Helwys. The place of women in Baptist churches and homes, as well as employment restrictions upon SBC college and seminary teachers, chaplains, missionaries, and denominational employees, have thrust the issue to the forefront of Baptist life.


Quiverfull: Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement  Kathryn Joyce takes us inside the Christian patriarchy movement. (2009)

Quivering Daughters | Hope and Healing for the Daughters of Patriarchy by Hillary McFarland examines the fruits of authoritarian families within the conservative homeschooling movement. (2010)


The Lost Apostle: searching for the truth about Junia by Rena Pederson, 2006. Wiley Publishers. This book deals with the inequality of women down through the ages, and the written sex-change that was made on the female Junia who became known as a male called Junius down through Biblical history.


Equal to Serve, Women and Men working together revealing the Gospel by Gretchen Gaebelein Hull. Perhaps the most significant feature of the book is its dominant purpose: to free women from many impositions and limitations that impede their ability to serve others and supremely to serve the living God, their redeemer.


Women in the Church: A Biblical Theology of Women in Ministry by Stanley Grenz and Denise Muir Kjesbo:  This book offers an in-depth theological study of women’s roles in the church, one of the most bitterly contested issues of our day.


Hidden Voices - Biblical Women and Our Christian Heritage by Heidi Bright Parales. Hidden Voices offers a fresh, inspiring look at the stories of women in the Bible, how Jesus treated women, and the difficult passages concerning the role of women. 


Gender and Grace, Love, Work -  Parenting in a Changing World by Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen. Martin Luther said  “Women ought to stay at home. The way they were created indicates this, for they have broad hips and a wide fundament to sit upon, keep house, and bear and raise children. Take women from their housewifery and there is no harm in that; let them die as long as they bear; they are made for that.”


Why Not Women? A Fresh Look at Scripture on Women in Mission, Ministry, and Leadership by Loren Cunningham and David Joel Hamilton: This book provides a detailed study of women in Old Testament writings, Jesus  ministry, and the letters of the apostle Paul.


Courage and Hope: The Stories of Ten Baptist Women Ministers by Pamela and Keith Durso, editors: This is a collection of essays about Baptist women who have served in the ministry for over thirty years. Among these women are pastors, church staff members, missionaries, mission organization leaders, and professors.


Women Deacons and Deaconesses; 400 Years of Baptist Service by Charles W. Deweese: Divided opinion on the topic of this book has caused controversy in Baptist history and life. Most Baptist individuals and churches have strongly opposed women deacons. However, thousands of Baptist churches include women in their deacon bodies and find that they make invaluable contributions. This book presents arguments on both sides of the topic but lands squarely in support of women deacons.


10 Lies the Church Tells Women by J. Lee Grady: The gospel was never intended to restrain women from pursuing God or to prevent them from fulfilling their divine destiny.


Good News for Women: A Biblical Picture of Gender Equality by Rebecca Merrill Groothuis


Beyond Sex Roles: What the Bible Says about a Woman's Place in Church and Family by Gilbert Bilezikian: This biblical and theological study offers an accessible examination of the key texts of Scripture relevant to understanding female roles, affirming full equality of the sexes in family and church.


Women, Authority & the Bible (Paperback)- Alvera Mickelson. Evangelical advocates of traditional roles for women say the heart of the matter is biblical authority. Supporters of more open roles say the crux is biblical interpretation and application. The 26 evangelical leaders represented here ask the hard questions about women's roles and refuse to shirk the hard exegesis needed to get answers. Essential reading for all concerned with women's roles in the church. Paper, InterVarsity.


What’s with Paul and Women by Jon Zens. April 2010.  It is long, long overdue for the record to be set straight once and for all: to use 1 Tim: 11-12 as "clear" justification to silence all Christian women is utterly without biblical warrant.


Finally Feminist, A Pragmatic Christian Understanding of Gender by John Strackhouse, Jr. This is a book for those who would like to be both Biblical and feminist, and can't see how the two can be faithfully combined.


A Thousand Splendid Suns, by Khaled Hosseini, 2007 (Riverhead Books Publisher) He is the author of the Kite Runner which was a wonderful book. This one is better and better shows how women are treated. Very good book. I highly recommend this book. (Fiction)


Discovering Biblical Equality, Complementarily without Hierarchy, ed. by Ronald Pierce & Rebecca Merrill Groothuis. Rebecca Merrill Groothuis and Ronald Pierce have done the church an extraordinary favor editing this much needed volume that vanquishes the pitiful stereotypes of "evangelical feminism."


Does God Really Prefer Men by Leslie & Gary Johnson. The authors take scriptures that have been used for decades to keep women in bondage and plainly demonstrate that this was not the will of God at all.


Does Christianity Teach Male Headship? The Equal-Regard Marriage and Its Critics by David Blankenhorn, Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen, and Don Browning. The first half of the volume features six proponents of the "equal-regard marriage" which rejects the concept of male headship. Obviously, the second half promotes male headship. 


The End of Manners, by Francesca Marciano, 2008 (Ramdom House Publishers)This was an excellent book about aservice woman who finds herself in Afghanistan trying to help orphans.  She tells of the Afghanistan culture of how awful women are treated. (Fiction)


 Bread Givers by Anzia Yezierska 1925 (Persea Books) which is about a Jewish family and the father is a Rabbi and the head of the family. The women do all the work while the man studies. Important to see how male headship is demonstrated in family life.

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