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Speaking up for Daughters


Will you join other women as we help young mothers make the right decision as to which church they take their young daughters? Will you help us educate these mothers so they know that from the moment a little boy and little girl walk into some churches, that church has a different love relationship with the girls and boys? Will you help give young mothers the courage to demand the same level of love for their daughters that is given to their sons? When a church has the same love relationship for its sons and its daughters, it will not limit what a girl or woman can do based simply upon the biological fact of gender.

Rules to follow:

  • Talk to individuals as you meet them

  • Email or snail mail when you find a situation where women are devalued

  • Be absolutely truthful

  • Be courteous

  • Talk from your heart.  Does not have to be formal, just sincere.

  • Don’t try to argue scripture.   These scriptures have been argued over so much that the brain gets into the same rut.  You must make them understand that as a person you feel that it is wrong to be treated this way, or that you feel it is wrong to treat women this way.

  • Be prepared to accept that you probably will not receive an answer from those in authority. Do not let that deter you.

  • If you are told that the church has adopted a set of by-laws and that is what your church is going by, remember that by-laws can be changed.  Your church can even change affiliations with a state association and choose one that allows women deacons and women pastors.  Email me and I will explain more about this.

  • Know the scripture. Scripture is on your side.  Read information from resources found on this website.

  • Enlist others in your church to stand with you on this.

  • Pray

Why should Mothers Speak up for Daughters

Wiley Clarkson, Christian blogger, told the story of what happened in a church service one Sunday morning.


“In early worship this morning, the daughter of a friend asked if she could help hand out the member/visitor registration books, a job that is offered only to young men (meaning boys) in our congregation. Her mother told her that “she could not do that.” The daughter then asked “why can’t I do that?” The mother then changed the subject to “we will talk about it later.” Children don’t see discrimination like adults but they do feel the discrimination, even though they don’t understand it and they naturally ask the question that goes right to the heart of the matter—”Why can’t I do that?” Maybe someday she will be able to participate in whatever way she is gifted.


I would like to hear church leadership explain exactly why a young girl can’t hand out visitor registration books.


Where is that found in the Bible? Where does it say that a young girl born in the 21st century can’t hand out a visitor book to welcome visitors who have come into the house of worship?


We do it for the girls. Will you join me in speaking out for young girls who do not know “why can’t I do that?” Will you work for change so that they, too, can do that?




What you can do

  • Every voice adds weight to the dissent women are feeling. When you write a letter to your pastor, a denominational leader, a secular leader or personality, that one letter represents many more women who are staying silent.  Your pastor knows this.

  • If you attend an evangelical church that is preaching submission, write to the pastor, and find out where their main denominational headquarters are, or the Evangelical association they support. Join with other Christians to speak out.




Equality Junction is not responsible for things said or written by other individuals. It is our policy to be courteous and Christian in our behavior toward others. Nobody is given permission to speak for Equality Junction (Shirley Taylor or Jocelyn Andersen). However, we believe that each person should speak up for women's equality and encourage them to do so, but they alone are responsible for what they say.

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